So I thought this would be a fun little thing to do. We can post videos pictures and stories about our adventures in Albatross18. I have no idea why I thought of it but if you like it I hope you join in with pictures and stories and maybe we can get this website revamped and looking better.
Pics and Video
So to start off I thought I would post the 3 pics of the Hole in Ones (HIO) that I have taken so far. Those are the only pics I have right now and I am learning about taking videos but I just found a program and I am not sure if it is good or not. Looks cool but it has yet to be tested for its goodness. It is called GameCam. Does not look like it has video length or size limitations which is better than some other programs. I will test it and let you all know how it is. I will add it to the link list as well if/until I find something better.

I believe if you want to take screen captures during the game you need to press F11.
New Course O' Sweetness
Today Albatross18 came out with a new course called Shining Sand. I played it on the Japanese server. It is pretty fun with a rating of * in difficulty. It does not seem to bring in a lot of pang but it is fun to look at while you are playing and it also looks like it has a Stargate on most of the holes, so who wouldn't love that?

yeah for a stargate look! and yeah for maybe being able to play on Tuesday!
It's about time we saw you on the green. It's been since last year when we last played with you. Looking forward to it.
I believe those are doctored photos.
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