Flaming Demons Adventures

Flaming Demons Adventures
Part 1: CMBMSU and Trees

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Still Working, and I Can Prove It!

Alright, so I thought I'd give the logo another jab to see if I could tweak it a little more in the positive direction. Here's the photo which shows what the logo would look like on the screen with new and improved red hair!


Unknown said...

It looks better and I have an idea to make it possibly look better. The thing that would make it more defined would be to have the skull have a darker or thicker black outline so that it stands out more from the greyish-blue background.

WholesomeGoodness said...

I fiddled with it a little bit, and it doesn't appear to be fixable in that sense, the more I bring the black out, the more distorted the face becomes, and you can't really tell what it is.

WholesomeGoodness said...

A good test would be to grab some objective observer and ask them if they can tell what it is.

Unknown said...

Bekkah can tell what it is but says it is hard to see. However I have seen other guild logos and I cannot tell what they are either sometimes so I say we just go with it once we get 8 ppl to join the guild.

WholesomeGoodness said...

I agree. It's better than a lot of logos I've seen, even if it's not crystal clear.

Unknown said...

Well lets get 8 ppl and start this darn guild that we keep mentioning.

shamrock_isle said...

yeah for our almost guild!!!