Well, not quite. After all we are about breathing, eating, and JB is about drinking beer. And even more so, now the Flaming Demons are about researching cures for diseases. As part of the Folding @ Home program designed by students at Stanford, we have completed our first official unit of folding and have been awarded a certificate:

For more stats, you can view the little page they set up for us at
http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=55504 . If you are interested in helping out, leave a comment, or visit
http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ and sign up for team #55504.
weird...but fun...my computer is happily folding away
My computer folds and it likes it. I think it does at least. It yells at me all the time but I don't think it is about this whole folding business.
Good to see that our lappys can do more than play video games!
I got my lappy and my compy runnin this, and the compy finished its first unit in 3 days. The lappy is still chugging away, and it could be a while until it finishes its first one, but I like the idea that it's sitting next to me and doing something worthwhile.
Yeah my lappy is taking a long time to fold. Poor guy. But he will get it done.
I have this on my work cpu so far and it will do on the lappy as soon as I get back to WI and can load it. This is pretty cool DJ...thanks for letting me(us) know about it
See, and I only knew about it because of video games, who says video games are good for nothin?
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