Ok so I forgot to write this up earlier, but you all know what day it is and what that means. Tonight we play golf. We have been low on numbers lately and consequently have not had a full roster of people to play a full tournament. Even though Wholesomegoones has claimed the victories no trophies have been awarded yet.
So come and join us and play some golf. With 10 people we can have our first tournament with trophy winner tonight.
Lastly in Wholesomegoodnes' last post we will be graced by the presence of Dirty6 tonight (most likely). If he is on make sure to give him a good hazing.
Hope to see you tonight and as always keep your fingers on F11 for those great plays and remember to talk about it on here when we are done.
P.S. Games begin at 8PM EST (-5GMT)
Flaming Demons Adventures

Part 1: CMBMSU and Trees
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
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If you read the post carefully, it says that dirty6 will be on NEXT week, not this week. He still has commitments this week.
And he doesn't have internet yet, could be a bit before the cable company fixes the infrastructure wiring in order to allow me to get the actual live drop line to my house.
When you do let me know cuz I am working on a solution to run my xbox live through my lappy. If I get that to work and you get the internets then we could do some Halo 2 action.
The infrastrucure is fixed, they now have to come out Friay AM to complete installation to the home. I'll let you know when I'm up.
I like how sunshine's avatar does the happy dance no matter what news you lay on him. Sunshine, the earth is going to end in 37 minutes...still dancing!
This is me making a comment from H-O-M-E. Hells yeah. Sunshine, my XBL gamertag is now dirtyy6, see ya round
I am waiting for a crossover cable to show up in the mailbox and once I get that and assuming the several variations on how to run xbox live through the lappy work I will be up and running as soon as it comes in the mail. My gamertag is still tls_stargate. I believe that is how it is done. Anyway you should know it.
Can't kill the sunshine Wholesome. No matter how bad the news might be.
i thought you cancelled the tls_stargate account?
i will add you to my friends list today-ish. you will be my first friend, what an honor. i should get you a plaque or something.
The plaque would be a nice touch. Speaking of touched I am at being your first friend.
My account is canceled but I payed for the whole year so the lady told me I could still use the account until my year is up and I can still re-activate it if I want, which I might if I can get the bugger to work and do a good job of it. I believe I have until May 7 to see if the lappy setup will work and call Xbox Live to change my mind.
I tried to enter your name last night but i couldn't-there was no option to enter an underscore in the text input screen. So when you get on, you will have to add me to your list. Don't worry, unless DJ gets off his butt and gets a 360 right quick-like, you will still be my first friend.
I got an email from the company I bought the cord from at 2:38 am today saying the sent it and it would be here in 4-14 days. I checked the UPS tracker and at 2:06 PM today it was already delivered! Something to play with when I get home!
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