Flaming Demons Adventures

Flaming Demons Adventures
Part 1: CMBMSU and Trees

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

oh goodness

okay....so a. I am the ultimate geek because I took one look at the crown on top of WG's head and thought hmmm that looks an awful lot like St. Edwards Crown or perhaps the Imperial State Crown...and I am sitting here actually wondering which one it is...of course it might be neither but anyways...

And b... If WG is the King can I at least be a princess for my better than halfway decent performance on the links Tuesday...please?


Unknown said...

Well I must say that my performance last night was horrid. I don't think I did a single thing right...unless consistency is a good thing in which I was consistently sucking!

I think the crown is a little much for DJ to put up there personally but hey, he won, let him have his fun.

You did do a very nice job last night Chrisy and even if you didn't "win" I think you are a winner for doing as well as you did.

WholesomeGoodness said...

So, the nerd of the year award goes to...Christy "Rainbow" Bright for proper identification of St. Edward's Crown. Someone has too much time on their hands.

In all good sportsmanship, and without making you a daughter, I give to thee the title of princess for the week. You had some good games yesterday.

shamrock_isle said...

I will happily accept my nerd of the year award...though I do not know of this Christy you speak of...the Rainbow sounds familiar...but not the Christy...

As for time on my hands....well that nugget of info was stored in my brain long before now...and nerd does not even begin to describe all the info I could tell you about the crowns, or the royal family in general

yeah me for being princess of the week...I should email you a screen bap for proper crowning....and perhaps we need to find jester hats too....


Unknown said...

l would gladly take one of those jester caps. I think they are cool and it would fit my performance as of late.

WholesomeGoodness said...

We've got a whole supply of dunce caps as well, as long as you're browsing.

Unknown said...

The pointedness of the dunce caps would not go well with my narrow face. I think the Jester will do just fine thank you.