Flaming Demons Adventures

Flaming Demons Adventures
Part 1: CMBMSU and Trees

Monday, March 19, 2007

A bunch of Shots

So I had a bunch of images I have taken in the last couple of weeks, and I thought what is the point of having these images if you don't share them with people. So here they are!

Here is me almost hitting it over the edge on a miss hit and the second is almost hitting it too far.

Here is me getting a bronze a bit ago while not even trying. All I was doing was going for a new record for 1K Pang. Which you can see in the next picture.

The next two are from last night. The first is an eagle on 6 of Ice Cannon, which was the only good thing I did last night. The second is of what the rest of the night was like.
Here is Chrisy getting her first Eagle!!!

The last two are of Eagles on Ice Cannon hole 5. They were on back to back Tournaments that I played. Let's see what pictures or videos you all have!


WholesomeGoodness said...

I've already posted pictures of my championship, that'll suffice until I get new ones.

Unknown said...

nice...real nice.