Flaming Demons Adventures

Flaming Demons Adventures
Part 1: CMBMSU and Trees

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Our First Official Game Night...Plus some Help

Game Night
Tonight is game night. It will be the first time that we truly are the Flaming Demons guild. I feel a tear coming on. Wait no....it went away. Oh well.

I hope to see you all on tonight around 8pm (-5GMT) or so. We will log into the Water Server (less occupied) and we will meet in the last room in the Tournament Section of the game.

As always, make comments of post game results or if it is too juicy and involves pics or videos just make a new post of the wonders that you accomplished.

Look forward to seeing you all there tonight.

Other Members
I would like to ask you to please post comments of how you feel about accepting random members that we do not know. We already have a gentleman from Italy wishing to join our newly formed ranks.

DJ and I think that before acceptance we should email them and inform them of our guidelines and play times and make sure that that they are nice people in general.

As I said, though, we would like to know if you would want random people as long as they fit our criteria. So comment please. Thanks everyone!

It's Official

Hot off the presses! Extra! Extra! Flaming Demons terrorize the golf world, much like they were before, but now in a much more sanctioned status!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Guild is Open

Thanks to the efforts of mostly DJ and the money (in-game that is) of Brian we now have opened the guild for applications. I will be very picky about who will be allowed in and who is rejected.

Well not really since it took so long to get us started. So just log into the website Alabatross18 and click on the guilds icon and search for the Flaming Demons guild and then sign up. Then when I log into our guild site I can approve you. I am not sure if DJ can but if he can he will approve you as well.

As soon as we are approved via the logo and the name of our guild we should have the OK by the game in a day and we will be up and running. As soon as we have 8 of us approved by DJ and I then we should have the logo show up in-game. Also you will be able to click on your guild tab in the game as well.

In the future there will be guild events for us to hold within the guild as well as against other guilds so that should be fun stuff to look for down the road.

Glad you all decided to play and we finally got this thing up and running.

I added a link to the guild website on the links list so you can go directly to it.

DJ if I left anything out just add it to the post.

Later everyone and welcome to the official Flaming Demons Guild!


Thursday, February 22, 2007

While the Rest of the World Was Watching Gray's Anatomy...

Wholesome Goodness, the trooper of the Flaming Demons Guild, trudges forth onto the snowy Ice Canon course. With just slight remnants of his cold remaining, he coughs off one throat itch after another, with eyes set on the prize: that elusive -20 score.

After a few lackluster shots mixed in with a few "make yo momma proud" shots, the stage is set...

The Leader: some 13 year old kid no doubt, RedLeprechaun I believe.
His Score: -19, as he sits in the clubhouse, eyeing the 18th green.
Wholesome's Score: a modest -18, as he squares up in the 18th tee box.

Wholesome hits a short tee shot, setting him up to slide the ball down the tunnel off to the left hand side of the fairway...a success. The ball gets dumped on the green 26.6 yards from glory. Just 26.6 short yards from that prey which has been in the grasp of our dear Wholesome Goodness several times, only to slip away as his fist tried to clench the elusive prize; just one putt...RedLeprechaun leans forward in his chair as Wholesome takes a moment to compose himself. He takes a sip from his closely located water glass as another cough makes him realign his putt. This is it, a gold trophy hangs in the balance but that matters not. No, this is about the record...all about the record.

After drying his forehead with a quick backhanded swipe, he approaches the ball. The putter swings back, with fluid motion. Then following a rhythm that would make a pendulum jealous, the putter glides forward and strikes the ball. Time seems to stop. In the distance you can see that even the deer have turned their heads to take notice of this momentous occasion. There is a waddle of penguins surrounding the cup to get an up close look at the ball as it travels towards its intended destination.

10 yards...

Wholesome clasps his hands "PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" he cries.

5 yards...

and then....clink!

It is accomplished.

...and is that a fist pump I see? Bamo!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Tuesday....you know what the means!

That's right tonight we enter into the world of golf again. Put on your gloves, spiked shoes, goofy shorts, polo shirt, and a hat and get ready for some good golfin'...we hope.

Look forward to playing with you all tonight and don't forget to have your finger ready to press F11 in case you get a cool shot to share with us.

Share your stories in the comments of this post unless it has pictures or is just too good to put as a comment!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Last night was good to me!

So I did not have any record braking scores like Chrisy but I did have a couple of good holes for myself. Sorry about all the pics but since I do not have a video program to capture video yet I took a couple pics to get the full experience of my excitement.

The first 4 are a HIO on WestWiz hole 2. I hope you like them.

I like Pipin's (my caddie) facial reaction to my HIO. It's priceless.

Ok the next two are a chip in on hole 8 for an eagle on Ice Cannon. I was not expecting it at all.

Lastly is a picture that I do not know how old it is but it's of Chrisy. I like her comment with the picture I took. It's brilliant.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Victory at Last

Well maybe not victory but the best score ever for me!!! -3 in the tourney Ice Canon with the guys!!! or should I say men? Gentlemen?

No screenshot cause I didn't think about it til after we all left, but thanks for all the fun!!!

Game Tonight...you better be there

Tonight is the usual game night. I will be there about 8pm tonight to start playing. Hope that everyone is there and that we can increase our numbers so we can really get this guild going.

Look forward to the joy and frustration tonight!

Also if you decide to use a video capture program to take vids of your/our game playing, I created an account for us on YouTube. The username is: FlamingDemonsGuild. If you would like to know the password then email me so that you can host your videos there and post them on the blog.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The New Standard

I just wanted to let you all know that I set a new record today. -19 on Ice Canon. I will accept your praise and adoration...now.

Still Working, and I Can Prove It!

Alright, so I thought I'd give the logo another jab to see if I could tweak it a little more in the positive direction. Here's the photo which shows what the logo would look like on the screen with new and improved red hair!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Course Guides

Ok so I added some course guides I found on the Albatross18 forums. The video work fine as far as I could tell for the 10 seconds I watched them.

Like I said I have not looked them over I just thought it would be a good way to have easy access to them. I hope they help if you need it. I know I do after the way I have been playing lately.

There are text guides as well for some of the holes but the forums on Albatross18 do not have separate links (URLs) for each topic so I cannot link them here. So if you want a guide that is not in video then check the forums and see if they have a text guide available.

The guides are on the right side on the sidebar for your enjoyment!

P.S. I found a new website that had some of the text guides I added. It seems like a good one though I have not really looked it over. It's called Pangya Headquarters.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Game Night

Tonight is game night. That would be 8:30 (or so) EST. Hope to see you all on there and I look forward to hearing stories from you all.

Game ooooonnnn!!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Lets Get Started

It's Go Time!
So I thought this would be a fun little thing to do. We can post videos pictures and stories about our adventures in Albatross18. I have no idea why I thought of it but if you like it I hope you join in with pictures and stories and maybe we can get this website revamped and looking better.

Pics and Video
So to start off I thought I would post the 3 pics of the Hole in Ones (HIO) that I have taken so far. Those are the only pics I have right now and I am learning about taking videos but I just found a program and I am not sure if it is good or not. Looks cool but it has yet to be tested for its goodness. It is called GameCam. Does not look like it has video length or size limitations which is better than some other programs. I will test it and let you all know how it is. I will add it to the link list as well if/until I find something better.
How to Take Screen Caps
I believe if you want to take screen captures during the game you need to press F11.

New Course O' Sweetness
Today Albatross18 came out with a new course called Shining Sand. I played it on the Japanese server. It is pretty fun with a rating of * in difficulty. It does not seem to bring in a lot of pang but it is fun to look at while you are playing and it also looks like it has a Stargate on most of the holes, so who wouldn't love that?
Well that should be it for now players. I hope to see you on here and posting your own pics and having a good time.
